February 14, 2025



Review of the penbayarc.org by Matt, WA1MJS

Review of kx1ema.org and ballyhac.com by Steve, KB1TCE


Raspberry Pi introduction, operation, and opportunities by Richard, WD1O

RPi Tech Talk




Homebrew 2 meter and 70 centimeter ground plane antennas by Giff, K1GAH



SARTrack program started out 10 years ago as an APRS program for Amateur Radio users, with some extra features build in for Search and Rescue organizations by Richard “Beau”, N1REX


Field Day 2019 Review – The ins and outs, and pros and cons. Talking points will be filters, gear needed, group logging network, gear to be fixed, skills learned and skilled needed, etc.


Remote antenna couplers and wide-band antennas by Steve, KB1TCE

Remote Couplers and Broadband Antennas


Lightning Radiolocation by Richard WD1O

Lightning Radiolocation


1. KB1DBL demonstrated a pair of low-cost Particle microcontrollers capable of cellular, wifi,
Bluetooth, and mesh networking. The mesh-only node ($15) was able to use the cellular
node ($59) as a gateway to get its data to the Particle.io cloud service ($3/mo). Both units
were powered by Li-Po batteries and capable of continuous multi-day operation without

2. WA1MJS demonstrated a Raspberry Pi-based DMR hotspot by using it to access a Yaesu
Fusion chat room via an HT. The hotspot was powered by a USB battery bank and used
wifi or Ethernet for network connectivity. It was capable of DMR (P25), Yaesu System
Fusion, D-STAR, and even POCSAG (alpha-numeric pager!) operation. He administered it
via a web interface using a laptop.


A presentation and demonstration on vacuum technology: vacuum science, the birth of electronics via the vacuum tube, and other uses of vacuum from the early days to the present by Steve KB1TCE

KB1TCE Vacuum Presentation



Upcoming Pen Bay ARC Tech Session, December 14, 2019

Community Emergency Communications using Inexpensive, Off-the-Shelf Radios
Stay in touch! Communicate locally and even countrywide during service interruptions

Tech Session Announcement December 2019 HamWatch

Community Hamwatch Presentation

Presented by Richard Bates and Steve Hansen with Eric Greiner and Phil Gaudet